Each ASCII file contains 12 columns of information: 1. TYPE - Type of Wind IR - Imager Cloud Drift WV - Imager Water Vapor SWIR - Imager Cloud Drift, low level VIS - Imager Visible, low level 2. SAT - Satellite Type 3. DAY - Day (YYYYMMDD) 4. HMS - Time of the wind set 5. LAT - Latitude of wind vector + north - south 6. LON - Longitude of wind vector + west - east 7. PRE - Pressure height assignment for vector (hPa) 8. SPD - Speed of the vector (meters per second) 9. DIR - Direction of vector 10. RFF - CIMSS recursive filter quality control value 11. QI - EUMETSAT quality control value 12. EE - Expected error quality control value Any questions about these files may be sent to: chris.velden@ssec.wisc.edu