Tropical Depression 23U

UW-CIMSS Automated Satellite-Based
Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADT)
Version 9.0
Current Intensity Analysis

History File Listing
(AtlEastCentPac / Other)
12.0 /10.0
ARCHER Information
PMW Information
Wind Radii Estimates
(based on Knaff et al. 2016)

(naut.mi.) R34 R50 R64
NE 0.0  0.0  0.0 
SE 0.0  0.0  0.0 
SW 0.0  0.0  0.0 
NW 0.0  0.0  0.0 
Parameters Used
RMW derived from Climatology
TC current intensity from ADT = 25.0 (kts)
TC forward speed from Forecast Interpolation = 1100.8 (kts)
TC heading from Forecast Interpolation = 260.9 (deg)
Historical listing of wind radii values
Timeline plots of Wind Radii : 34kt   50kt   64kt
Satellite Imagery
Time Series
HTML5 Movie