Date/Time Sat MW Eye diam (km) Est RMW (km) Ring % Tb diff (K) Score Meaning NHC estimate
20200814T182743 amsr2_85 22.2 6.1 0.0% 5.1 -5.1 n/a   35.4 kts
20200814T200000 ssmis16_85 22.2 6.1 0.0% 4.5 -4.5 n/a   36.7 kts
20200814T210505 ssmis18_85 144.3 67.3 4.1% 4.1 -4.1 n/a   37.6 kts
20200814T223336 ssmis17_85 244.2 111.7 12.3% 6.8 -6.8 n/a   38.8 kts
20200815T062828 amsr2_85 255.3 33.9 9.6% 5.7 -5.7 n/a   40.4 kts
20200815T092805 ssmis18_85 310.8 150.7 NaN% NaN NaN n/a   42.9 kts
20200815T105543 ssmis17_85 133.2 67.3 NaN% NaN NaN n/a   44.1 kts
20200815T173236 amsr2_85 22.2 6.1 0.0% 2.4 -2.4 n/a   45.0 kts
20200815T194702 ssmis16_85 188.7 89.5 NaN% NaN NaN n/a   43.5 kts
20200815T205250 ssmis18_85 222.0 100.6 0.0% 4.9 -4.9 n/a   42.6 kts
20200815T222008 ssmis17_85 166.5 111.7 5.5% 6.1 -6.1 n/a   41.4 kts
20200816T053227 amsr2_85 333.0 161.8 NaN% NaN NaN n/a   40.0 kts
20200816T080843 ssmis16_85 333.0 161.8 NaN% NaN NaN n/a   40.0 kts
20200816T091421 ssmis18_85 310.8 150.7 NaN% NaN NaN n/a   40.0 kts
20200816T104100 ssmis17_85 299.7 145.1 0.0% 2.9 -2.9 n/a   40.0 kts
20200816T163734 amsr2_85 122.1 56.1 0.0% 0.5 -0.5 n/a   38.1 kts
20200816T193415 ssmis16_85 22.2 6.1 0.0% 1.2 -1.2 n/a   36.8 kts
20200816T220706 ssmis17_85 11.1 2.5 0.0% 7.3 -7.3 n/a   35.8 kts
20200817T075521 ssmis16_85 33.3 11.7 0.0% 0.2 -0.2 n/a   35.0 kts
20200817T090125 ssmis18_85 233.1 111.7 NaN% NaN NaN n/a   35.0 kts
20200817T102735 ssmis17_85 288.6 139.5 NaN% NaN NaN n/a   35.0 kts
20200817T154223 amsr2_85 333.0 161.8 NaN% NaN NaN n/a   35.0 kts


Diameter values indicate the estimated surface eyewall diameter (the MI eyewall edge diameter minus 10 km).

Diameter values are red if Ring % <= 65, yellow/brown if Ring % <= 85 and green if Ring % > 85.

"Ring %" is the percentage of the "ring" (eyewall inner boundary) that is 1) colder than the "hot spot" (warmest eye pixel) in the eye by 20K, or 2) the percentage that is a) colder than 232K and b) colder than the "hot spot" by 10K, whichever is greater.

"Tb diff" is the difference between the "hot spot" (warmest eye pixel) and the warmest pixel on the eyewall.

Scores are listed as negative, and not used, when the JTWC or NHC estimated Vmax is <50 kts in order to rule out weak but highly symmetric TCs.

Error messages in intensity scores: -920 is used when the hottest pixel in the eye is <200K, to prevent false positives; -909 is a failure to process (bad input data).