Date/Time Sat Diameter (km) Ring % Tb diff (K) Score Meaning NHC estimate
20110726T184444 amsre NaN 0.0% 8.4 -8.4 n/a   35.0 kts
20110727T192753 amsre 12.2 98.6% 18.5 -33.5 n/a   35.0 kts
20110727T231537 ssmis17 90.1 NaN% NaN NaN n/a   35.0 kts
20110727T231726 ssmis17 78.9 46.6% 10.8 -10.8 n/a   35.0 kts
20110728T060902 tmi NaN 16.4% 0.0 -0.0 n/a   35.0 kts
20110728T073716 amsre NaN 0.0% 0.0 -0.0 n/a   35.9 kts
20110728T114842 ssmis17 NaN 12.3% 0.4 -0.4 n/a   40.0 kts
20110728T230545 ssmis17 NaN 75.3% 0.0 -920.0 n/a   44.7 kts
20110729T002840 ssmis16 NaN 43.8% 3.0 -3.0 n/a   45.0 kts
20110729T020325 ssmis18 NaN 9.6% 3.9 -3.9 n/a   45.0 kts
20110729T065015 tmi NaN 82.2% 0.0 -0.0 n/a   45.0 kts
20110729T081935 amsre NaN 11.0% 4.9 -4.9 n/a   45.0 kts
20110729T113543 ssmis17 -919.0 -999.0% -999.0 -909.0 n/a   45.0 kts
20110729T125832 ssmis16 NaN 53.4% 1.1 -1.1 n/a   45.0 kts
20110729T132208 tmi NaN 45.2% 1.6 -1.6 n/a   45.0 kts
20110729T145846 ssmis18 NaN 27.4% 3.5 -3.5 n/a   45.0 kts
20110729T191708 amsre NaN 52.0% 0.0 -0.0 n/a   44.2 kts
20110730T001650 ssmis16 NaN 0.0% 4.8 -4.8 n/a   34.5 kts
20110730T013951 ssmis18 212.4 NaN% NaN NaN n/a   31.7 kts
20110730T073119 tmi NaN 0.0% 0.9 -0.9 n/a   25.0 kts
20110730T122449 tmi NaN 0.0% 0.6 -0.6 n/a   24.2 kts
20110730T124227 ssmis16 190.1 NaN% NaN NaN n/a   24.0 kts
20110730T130333 ssmis17 NaN 0.0% 1.4 -1.4 n/a   23.8 kts
20110730T144629 ssmis18 NaN 20.6% 0.0 -0.0 n/a   22.8 kts
20110730T200035 amsre NaN 8.2% 1.1 -1.1 n/a   20.0 kts


Diameter values indicate the estimated surface eyewall diameter (the MI eyewall edge diameter minus 10 km).

Diameter values are red if Ring % <= 65, yellow/brown if Ring % <= 85 and green if Ring % > 85.

"Ring %" is the percentage of the "ring" (eyewall inner boundary) that is 1) colder than the "hot spot" (warmest eye pixel) in the eye by 20K, or 2) the percentage that is a) colder than 232K and b) colder than the "hot spot" by 10K, whichever is greater.

"Tb diff" is the difference between the "hot spot" (warmest eye pixel) and the warmest pixel on the eyewall.

Scores are listed as negative, and not used, when the JTWC or NHC estimated Vmax is <50 kts in order to rule out weak but highly symmetric TCs.