msw = max sustained wind (knots) src = source of rmw data cma = cimss amsu bias = cimss amsu bias correction amsub = average amsub Tb with in amsua scan spot (used to correct cimss and cira amsu) cra = cira amsu wt = ci # rmse for that method (used in weighting of the estimate) sat = satcon msl = mslp (hPa) cor = corrected estimates num name yyyymmddhh cma cma rmw src penv bias amsub cma adt adt cor cor fxtype adt cra cra cor cor cira sat sat motion msl msw wt msl msw msl msw wt msl msw msl msw wt msl msw 05 200805P 2007120517 988 56 56 JTWC 1008 0 -22.0 0.34 987 51 987 51 CRVBD 0.65 990 58 983 60 0.45 986 56 9 05 200805P 2007120605 979 66 46 JTWC 1008 0 -28.8 0.29 987 51 987 51 EMBC 0.65 988 61 978 65 0.34 980 64 7 05 200805P 2007120705 980 65 19 JTWC 1008 -3 -20.8 0.37 930 115 930 115 UNFRM 0.65 982 66 976 68 0.34 970 74 8