File naming convention: AMV[YYYYMMDD][HHmm]GOESE[meso sector] YYYY - Year MM - Month DD - Day of month HH - UTC hour mm - minute meso sector - M1 or M2 Each ASCII file contains 8 columns of information: 1. TYPE - Type of Wind IR - Long wave IR cloud drift WVCT - Water vapor cloud top SWIR - Short wave IR cloud drift, low level, night VIS - Visible OIR - Long wave IR cloud drift from optical flow method 2. DAY - Day (YYYYDDD) YYYY - Year DDD - Day of year 3. HMS - Time of the wind set 4. LAT - Latitude of wind vector + north - south 5. LON - Longitude of wind vector + west - east 6. SPD - Speed of the vector (meters per second) 7. DIR - Direction of vector 8. PRE - Pressure height assignment for vector (hPa) 9. QI - Qualtiy indicator