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Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies / University of Wisconsin-Madison
CIMSS Tropical Cyclone Team
Saharan Air Layer (SAL) - Product Description

MIMIC TPW – Meridional Wind Imagery:
Background: This imagery is created by combining the MIMIC total precipitable water (TPW) product over water and the GOES-16 10.3 µm and Meteosat 10.8 µm IR longwave bands over land. Meridional wind contours derived from UW-CIMSS gridded atmospheric motion vector (AMV) files are overlaid on the images and include “low-level” (850-925 hPa) and a “mid-level” (600-700 hPa) analyses.
Uses: This merged image is useful for tracking African easterly waves (AEWS), tropical disturbances, and large scale atmospheric features.
• Images with low-level meridional winds are useful for tracking features such as tropical disturbances and low-level jets.
• Images with mid-level meridional winds are useful for tracking features such as AEWs.

Wimmers, A. J. and C. S. Velden, 2007: MIMIC: A new approach to visualizing satellite microwave imagery of tropical cyclones. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 88, 1187-1196.

For more SAL information, please visit the SAL Background Information page.