Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies / University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tropical Cyclones
DeeP IR INtensity of TCs (D-PRINT, formerly OPEN-AIIR)
Storm: 01E


current 01E intensity image


Date Time MSLPVmax
(30th-70th percentile average)
25th percentile
75th percentile
202407061100 UTC

1007 hPa

25 kts

23 kts26 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407061000 UTC

1007 hPa

25 kts

23 kts27 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407060900 UTC

1007 hPa

25 kts

23 kts27 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407060800 UTC

1007 hPa

26 kts

24 kts28 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407060600 UTC

1007 hPa

26 kts

24 kts28 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407060500 UTC

1007 hPa

27 kts

25 kts30 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407060400 UTC

1006 hPa

25 kts

24 kts27 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407060300 UTC

1006 hPa

28 kts

25 kts30 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407060200 UTC

1006 hPa

31 kts

28 kts34 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407060100 UTC

1006 hPa

30 kts

27 kts33 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407051600 UTC

1006 hPa

33 kts

30 kts37 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407051500 UTC

1006 hPa

29 kts

26 kts32 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407051400 UTC

1006 hPa

30 kts

27 kts33 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407051300 UTC

1006 hPa

30 kts

27 kts33 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407051200 UTC

1006 hPa

28 kts

26 kts32 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407051100 UTC

1007 hPa

25 kts

23 kts28 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407051000 UTC

1007 hPa

26 kts

24 kts28 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407050900 UTC

1008 hPa

27 kts

25 kts30 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407050800 UTC

1008 hPa

24 kts

23 kts26 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407050700 UTC

1009 hPa

33 kts

29 kts37 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407050600 UTC

1007 hPa

31 kts

28 kts34 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407050500 UTC

1007 hPa

30 kts

27 kts33 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407050400 UTC

1007 hPa

25 kts

23 kts28 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407050300 UTC

1006 hPa

34 kts

30 kts38 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407050200 UTC

1006 hPa

33 kts

29 kts37 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407050100 UTC

1007 hPa

30 kts

27 kts34 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407050000 UTC

1006 hPa

32 kts

28 kts36 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407042300 UTC

1007 hPa

33 kts

29 kts38 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407042200 UTC

1006 hPa

34 kts

30 kts38 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407042100 UTC

1005 hPa

37 kts

33 kts42 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407042000 UTC

1006 hPa

37 kts

32 kts41 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407041900 UTC

1005 hPa

35 kts

31 kts39 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407041800 UTC

1004 hPa

38 kts

33 kts43 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407041700 UTC

1006 hPa

36 kts

32 kts41 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407041600 UTC

1006 hPa

41 kts

37 kts47 ktscurrent 01E intensity image
202407041500 UTC

1005 hPa

36 kts

32 kts41 ktscurrent 01E intensity image