Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies / University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tropical Cyclones
Deep Multispectral INtensity of TCs estimator (D-MINT, formerly DMN)
Storm: 13L


current 13L intensity image


Date Time MW Sensor MSLP Vmax
(30th-70th percentile average)
25th percentile
75th percentile
202309161101 UTCGMI

987 hPa

50 kts

44 kts56 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309152228 UTCSSMISF17

974 hPa

67 kts

60 kts74 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309150924 UTCSSMISF18

974 hPa

66 kts

60 kts72 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309142240 UTCSSMISF17

968 hPa

76 kts

71 kts83 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309141748 UTCAMSR2

969 hPa

75 kts

69 kts81 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309141120 UTCSSMISF17

970 hPa

77 kts

71 kts83 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309141106 UTCGMI

972 hPa

76 kts

70 kts82 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309140650 UTCAMSR2

971 hPa

76 kts

71 kts82 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309132253 UTCSSMISF17

964 hPa

89 kts

84 kts95 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309132150 UTCGMI

963 hPa

91 kts

85 kts97 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309132146 UTCGMI

963 hPa

91 kts

85 kts98 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309131135 UTCSSMISF17

962 hPa

95 kts

90 kts100 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309130812 UTCSSMISF18

960 hPa

98 kts

93 kts103 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309130607 UTCAMSR2

959 hPa

91 kts

86 kts97 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309121941 UTCSSMISF18

947 hPa

102 kts

96 kts108 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309121759 UTCAMSR2

955 hPa

104 kts

98 kts110 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309120824 UTCSSMISF18

951 hPa

105 kts

99 kts111 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309112201 UTCGMI

956 hPa

102 kts

95 kts110 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309111954 UTCSSMISF18

950 hPa

106 kts

100 kts112 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309111716 UTCAMSR2

951 hPa

108 kts

102 kts114 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309111022 UTCSSMISF17

944 hPa

113 kts

107 kts119 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309110838 UTCSSMISF18

944 hPa

117 kts

110 kts123 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309110620 UTCAMSR2

948 hPa

108 kts

102 kts113 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309102152 UTCSSMISF17

956 hPa

104 kts

97 kts111 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309102006 UTCSSMISF18

961 hPa

99 kts

92 kts106 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309101036 UTCSSMISF17

965 hPa

96 kts

89 kts103 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309100537 UTCAMSR2

975 hPa

83 kts

76 kts90 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309092204 UTCSSMISF17

976 hPa

84 kts

77 kts91 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309091727 UTCAMSR2

968 hPa

94 kts

87 kts101 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309091050 UTCSSMISF17

973 hPa

92 kts

85 kts100 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309090725 UTCSSMISF18

966 hPa

96 kts

87 kts105 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309082218 UTCSSMISF17

952 hPa

106 kts

98 kts113 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309081643 UTCAMSR2

936 hPa

116 kts

109 kts123 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309081141 UTCGMI

936 hPa

129 kts

123 kts134 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309080737 UTCSSMISF18

930 hPa

136 kts

129 kts142 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309072226 UTCGMI

937 hPa

124 kts

117 kts130 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309071903 UTCSSMISF18

956 hPa

102 kts

96 kts109 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309070937 UTCSSMISF17

989 hPa

67 kts

61 kts74 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309070508 UTCAMSR2

990 hPa

64 kts

58 kts70 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309062102 UTCSSMISF17

997 hPa

58 kts

52 kts64 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309061916 UTCSSMISF18

994 hPa

62 kts

56 kts68 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309061156 UTCGMI

1002 hPa

38 kts

34 kts42 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309060952 UTCSSMISF17

997 hPa

51 kts

46 kts56 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309060425 UTCAMSR2

1003 hPa

40 kts

36 kts44 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309052241 UTCGMI

1004 hPa

38 kts

34 kts43 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309052115 UTCSSMISF17

1004 hPa

41 kts

36 kts46 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309051940 UTCSSMISF16

1008 hPa

33 kts

30 kts36 ktscurrent 13L intensity image
202309051610 UTCAMSR2

1009 hPa

29 kts

27 kts31 ktscurrent 13L intensity image