Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies / University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tropical Cyclones
Deep Multispectral INtensity of TCs estimator (D-MINT, formerly DMN)
Storm: 03E


current 03E intensity image


Date Time MW Sensor MSLP Vmax
(30th-70th percentile average)
25th percentile
75th percentile
202408060318 UTCGMI

1002 hPa

33 kts

30 kts37 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408060304 UTCSSMISF17

1003 hPa

32 kts

29 kts36 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408060216 UTCSSMISF16

1003 hPa

34 kts

30 kts38 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408052205 UTCAMSR2

1002 hPa

32 kts

29 kts36 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408051503 UTCSSMISF16

1003 hPa

32 kts

28 kts35 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408051253 UTCSSMISF18

1001 hPa

35 kts

32 kts39 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408051018 UTCATMS-N20

1004 hPa

37 kts

33 kts40 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408050954 UTCATMS-NPP

1003 hPa

39 kts

35 kts43 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408050929 UTCATMS-N21

1002 hPa

39 kts

36 kts43 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408050021 UTCSSMISF18

1000 hPa

47 kts

43 kts52 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408042122 UTCAMSR2

1004 hPa

43 kts

39 kts47 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408042059 UTCATMS-N21

1003 hPa

38 kts

34 kts41 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408041628 UTCGMI

999 hPa

45 kts

41 kts50 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408041423 UTCSSMISF17

999 hPa

48 kts

43 kts53 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408041012 UTCATMS-NPP

997 hPa

53 kts

49 kts58 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408040948 UTCATMS-N21

996 hPa

50 kts

46 kts54 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408040308 UTCGMI

989 hPa

73 kts

67 kts79 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408040150 UTCSSMISF17

991 hPa

66 kts

60 kts72 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408032118 UTCATMS-N21

989 hPa

72 kts

67 kts78 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408032027 UTCATMS-N20

999 hPa

60 kts

54 kts66 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408031437 UTCSSMISF17

982 hPa

79 kts

72 kts86 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408031349 UTCSSMISF16

979 hPa

74 kts

68 kts81 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408031140 UTCSSMISF18

985 hPa

86 kts

79 kts93 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408031007 UTCATMS-N21

983 hPa

78 kts

71 kts84 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408030945 UTCAMSR2

973 hPa

89 kts

82 kts97 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408030916 UTCATMS-N20

980 hPa

77 kts

72 kts83 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408030204 UTCSSMISF17

982 hPa

75 kts

69 kts82 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408030115 UTCSSMISF16

982 hPa

76 kts

69 kts84 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408022306 UTCSSMISF18

982 hPa

80 kts

73 kts88 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408022135 UTCAMSR2

980 hPa

76 kts

69 kts83 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408022045 UTCATMS-N20

989 hPa

76 kts

70 kts83 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408021618 UTCGMI

982 hPa

82 kts

74 kts90 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408021401 UTCSSMISF16

985 hPa

69 kts

62 kts77 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408021153 UTCSSMISF18

986 hPa

66 kts

60 kts72 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408020934 UTCATMS-N20

992 hPa

71 kts

64 kts78 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408020910 UTCATMS-NPP

994 hPa

61 kts

55 kts67 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408020902 UTCAMSR2

991 hPa

60 kts

54 kts66 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408020845 UTCATMS-N21

992 hPa

62 kts

56 kts68 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408020127 UTCSSMISF16

997 hPa

53 kts

47 kts60 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408012319 UTCSSMISF18

990 hPa

55 kts

49 kts61 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408012050 UTCAMSR2

1001 hPa

48 kts

43 kts53 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408012014 UTCATMS-N21

997 hPa

59 kts

54 kts64 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408011325 UTCSSMISF17

993 hPa

56 kts

51 kts62 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408010929 UTCATMS-NPP

1001 hPa

41 kts

36 kts46 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408010338 UTCGMI

1000 hPa

48 kts

43 kts54 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202408010050 UTCSSMISF17

1002 hPa

36 kts

32 kts40 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202407312058 UTCATMS-NPP

1004 hPa

32 kts

29 kts36 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202407312033 UTCATMS-N21

1004 hPa

35 kts

31 kts39 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202407312008 UTCAMSR2

1004 hPa

42 kts

38 kts46 ktscurrent 03E intensity image
202407311942 UTCATMS-N20

1001 hPa

38 kts

34 kts43 ktscurrent 03E intensity image