Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies / University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tropical Cyclones
Deep Multispectral INtensity of TCs estimator (D-MINT, formerly DMN)
Storm: 28W


current 28W intensity image


Date Time MW Sensor MSLP Vmax
(30th-70th percentile average)
25th percentile
75th percentile
202412251805 UTCAMSR2

NaN hPa

26 kts

24 kts28 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412251041 UTCSSMISF17

NaN hPa

26 kts

23 kts29 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412250825 UTCSSMISF18

NaN hPa

24 kts

22 kts27 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412250627 UTCATMS-N20

NaN hPa

24 kts

22 kts26 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412250603 UTCATMS-N20

NaN hPa

25 kts

23 kts27 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412250548 UTCAMSR2

NaN hPa

28 kts

26 kts31 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412241707 UTCTROPICS05

NaN hPa

30 kts

27 kts34 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412241056 UTCSSMISF17

NaN hPa

31 kts

27 kts35 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412231942 UTCTROPICS03

NaN hPa

32 kts

28 kts37 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412231816 UTCAMSR2

NaN hPa

28 kts

25 kts31 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412230742 UTCTROPICS05

NaN hPa

29 kts

26 kts32 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412230600 UTCAMSR2

NaN hPa

27 kts

25 kts30 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412222220 UTCSSMISF17

NaN hPa

34 kts

29 kts38 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412222004 UTCSSMISF18

NaN hPa

36 kts

32 kts41 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412221818 UTCATMS-N20

NaN hPa

27 kts

24 kts30 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412221754 UTCATMS-N20

NaN hPa

30 kts

26 kts36 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412220756 UTCGMI

NaN hPa

32 kts

28 kts36 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412220520 UTCATMS-N20

NaN hPa

37 kts

32 kts42 ktscurrent 28W intensity image
202412211812 UTCATMS-N20

NaN hPa

29 kts

27 kts32 ktscurrent 28W intensity image