Documentation for AniS - the AnimationS applet

October 13, 1999

To run the applet, you need an applet tag. The skeleton for this is:

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Example of the AniS applet </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P> <APPLET code="AniS.class" width=640 height=540> <PARAM name="parametername" value="value(s) for parameter"> </APPLET> </BODY> </HTML> The rest of this document describes the PARAMeter names and values needed to drive the AniS applet. We begin with the controls and then describe the specification of the filenames of the images.

One word about blanks (spaces). Within each PARAMeter clause, leading and training blanks are ignored for each parameter. You should use spaces to provide for easier readability.

Parameters for controls (if the control is named, it will appear; otherwise, its default value will be used):

<PARAM name="controls" value="startstop, looprock, step, speed, enhance, refresh, toggle, zoom, fader, overlay, framelabel,audio"> Other parameters that may be used: <PARAM name="rate" value="frames/second"> specifies the initial loop rate as a number corresponding to frames per second times 10 (thus, 120 means 12 frames per second). <PARAM name="rocking" value="true"> make "rocking" the startup mode for displaying the sequence; otherwise, "movie loop" is the startup mode. <PARAM name="pause" value="2000"> pause on the last frame of a loop the additional number of milliseconds given (2 seconds in this example). The default is zero. <PARAM name="pause_percent" value="250"> pause on the last frame of a loop the additional percentage of the current dwell time specified (250% in this example). In addition, if the current dwell is > 1 second, a fixed value of 100% will be used whenever this pause_percent option is specified. The default value is zero. <PARAM name="transparency" value="#FFFFFF"> use the color "white" as the transparency value. This is only needed for overlays, and is optional for fading. The value is a hex value of red/green/blue (template: #rrggbb). "black" (#000000) is also commonly used. <PARAM name="fade" value="true"> instead of just showing the images, generate 'faded' images between them and use the result as the sequence. <PARAM name="frame_label" value="label for 1, label for 2, ..."> when the framelabel control is specified, the values in this comma-separated list will be used to label each frame. <PARAM name="frame_label_width" value="30"> this specifies the width of the text box (in characters) to be used for the frame_label strings. The default is 20 <PARAM name="audio_filename" value=""> this specifies the name of the audio clip to be played when the audio control is specified. This must be a .AU file.

Image file names
All the image files can be in GIF or JPEG formats. The files identified using the parameter names described in this section should fill the desired window. If used, overlays and portals should be the same size and have the same geometry as these "background" images.

For the background images, the GIF/JPEG files may be specified in one of three, mutually exclusive, ways.

  1. Using a "root" name, to which successive numbers are appended to create the actual filenames:
    <PARAM name="basename" value="file"> <PARAM name="num_frames" value="4"> In this case, the root name is file and since there are 4 images specified, the actual filenames must be: file0, file1, file2, and file3

  2. Using the filenames themselvels:
    <PARAM name="filenames" value="file0, file1, file2, file3">
  3. Using a file which contains a list of the image filenames (one per record)
    <PARAM name="file_of_filenames" value="file-containing-filenames"> where the file "file-containing-filenames" contains lines of text that are in the form:
    file0 file1 file2 file3 lines beginning with # are ignored, so you may put comments into your file_of_filenames.
    NOTE: If you want to specify an optional frame label (see the controls section above), you may put the value with quote marks after the filenames. For example: file0 "label one" file1 "label two"
NOTE: For the first form (specifying a "basename"), you may also use a wildcard format. For example, if you say: <PARAM name="basename" value="file*.gif"> the actual filenames must be: file0.gif, file1.gif, file2.gif, and file3.gif

Portals are viewports into other images, which are shown in windows superimposed onto the background image. The user "roams" around in a portal by dragging the mouse pointer around on the background image. For each portal, you must specify its location and size, and then the filename(s). If you are animating the background images, you'll need to specify a corresponding number of portal filenames for each frame of the animation.

First, however, the parameter for specifying the location:

<PARAM name="portal_location" value="x & y & width & height, x2 & y2 & width2 & height2, ..."> Each list item separated by a comma defines the location (x,y) of the upper left corner of the portal and the portal's width and height values. All values are given in pixels; the upper left corner is (0,0).

You may have any number of portal windows that you like, but they should all fit inside the dimensions of the background image and should not overlap.

To specify the portal image filenames, you may use one of the following forms (note in each example, 3 portals are being defined with the names associated with each separated by a comma; in the second method, the files for each of 4 frames are explicitly named separated by &).

  1. In the first case, you are specifying a "basename" for each portal (see file name conventions, above). Each name you specify is for an individual portal, and the software will load as many images for each portal as there are background image frames. <PARAM name="portal_basenames" value="pfileA, pfileB, pfileC"> (You may also use the wildcard format mentioned above.)
  2. In the second case, you are naming each file explicitly. The grouping of names is the same as above -- commas separate portals. Ampersands separate filenames for each frame of a loop. <PARAM name="portal_filenames" value="pfileA0 & pfileA1 & pfileA2 & pfileA3, pfileB0 & pfileB1 & pfileC2 & pfileD3, pfileC0 & pfileC1 & pfileC2 & pfileC3">
  3. Finally, you may also use a text file (the "file-containing-filenames" form) to specify all the filenames. To use portals with this form, the filenames for all the portals for one frame appear on one line. file0 portal=pfileA0, pfileB0, pfileC0 file1 portal=pfileA1, pfileB1, pfileC1 file2 portal=pfileA2, pfileB2, pfileC2 file3 portal=pfileA3,pfileB3, pfileC3 NOTE: You MUST supply all portals names for each frame, even if the filename is repeated!!
    NOTE: If you want to specify an optional frame label (see the controls section above), you may put the value with quote marks between the filenames and the keyword that follows. For example: file0 "label one" portal=pfileA0, pfileB0,... file1 "label two" portal=pfileA1, pfileB1,...

You may also use overlays -- one or more images that are (optionally) displayed on top of the base image, usually in such a way that part of the base image shows through. For example, a map or plotted data may be an overlay. In order to let some of the base (background) image show through, you must designate one color level in the overlay images as "transparent" and then specify that value using the transparency parameter (above).

In addition, you need to specify the overlay control, and provide a few more parameters:

<PARAM name="overlay_labels" value="label1, label2, label3..."> This speifies the labels that will be used on the controls for each overlay. The ordering of the values should be the same as the filenames (below). You'll want to keep these labels brief!

To specify the names of the files for the overlays, you may use one of these forms (note in each example, 3 overlays (A,B,c) are being defined with the names associated with each separated by a comma; in the second method, the files for each of 4 frames are explicitly named separated by &).

  1. In the first case, you are specifying a "basename" for each overlay (see file name conventions, above). Each name you specify is for an individual overlay, and the software will load as many images for each overlay as there are background image frames. <PARAM name="overlay_basenames" value="ofileA, ofileB, ofileC"> (Again, you may use the wildcard format -- see above.)
  2. In the second case, you are naming each file explicitly. The grouping of names is the same as above -- commas separate portals. Ampersands separate filenames for each frame of a loop. <PARAM name="overlay_filenames" value="ofileA0 & ofileA1 & ofileA2 & ofileA3, ofileB0 & ofileB1 & ofileB2 & ofileB3, ofileC0 & ofileC1 & ofileC2 & ofileC3">
  3. Finally, you may also use a text file (the "file-containing-filenames" form) to specify all the filenames. To use overlays with this form, the filenames for all the overlays for one frame appear on one line. file0 overlay=ofileA0, ofileB0, ofileC0 file1 overlay=ofileA1, ofileB1, ofileC1 file2 overlay=ofileA2, ofileB2, ofileC2 file3 overlay=ofileA3,ofileB3, ofileC3 NOTE: You MUST supply all overlay file names for each frame, even if the filename is repeated!!
    NOTE: If you want to specify an optional frame label (see the controls section above), you may put the value with quote marks between the filenames and the keyword that follows. For example: file0 "label one" portal=pfileA0, pfileB0,... file1 "label two" portal=pfileA1, pfileB1,...