Topic: GOES-18 MDS Meso-2 Date/Time Issued: October 08, 2023 1047Z Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-18 MDS Meso-2 Requested Center Point:15.3N/101W Date/Time of Initial Impact: October 08, 2023 1200Z J/DAY 281 Date/Time of Expected End: October 09, 2023 1200Z J/DAY 282 Length of Event: 24 Hours Requester: National Hurricane Center Priority:16 NHC/CPHC Hurricane non US wtch/warn Details/Specifics of Change: Monitoring PTC 16-E with TS watches up for Mexico Topic: GOES-18 MDS Meso-2 Date/Time Issued: October 07, 2023 1701Z Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-18 MDS Meso-2 Requested Center Point: 14.2N/99.7W Date/Time Initial Impact: October 07, 2023 1659Z J/DAY 280 Date/Time of Expected End: October 08, 2023 1200Z J/DAY 281 Length of Event: 19 Hours and 1 minute Requester: National Hurricane Center Priority: 24 Other NWS or SAB Requests Details/Specifics of Change: Invest 99E