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Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies / University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tropical Cyclone 03B
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Current Intensity Estimates ADT
Date Time Vmax MSLP
25Oct2024 2230UTC N/A kts N/A hPa
Scene CI# FT# AdjT# RawT# Eye T Cloud T
Date Time Vmax  
25Oct2024 0300UTC 57 kts  
Date Time Vmax MSLP
25Oct2024 2200UTC 40 kts NaN hPa
Vmax 25% Vmax 75%    
35 kts 46 kts    
Date Time Vmax MSLP
25Oct2024 2008UTC 43 kts NaN hPa
Vmax 25% Vmax 75% MW Instr.  
37 kts 49 kts AMSR2  
MW Sounders
Date Time Vmax MSLP
25Oct2024 2008UTC 42 kts 989 hPa
  Satellite FOV  
  ATMS 2  
Date Time Vmax MSLP
25Oct2024 0300UTC 45 kts 997 hPa
Consensus Members
3 (ADT+Sounders)

RI Forecast AI-RI
Date Time Current Vmax Current MPI
N/A N/AUTC N/A kts N/A kts
20kt/12h 25kt/24h 30kt/24h 35kt/24h 40kt/24h 45kt/36h 55kt/48h 65kt/72h
N/A% N/A% N/A% N/A% N/A% N/A% N/A% N/A%

Position Estimates ARCHER
Date Time Latitude Longitude
25Oct2024 2009UTC 21.35N 85.00E
Satellite Sensor Eye Diameter Eye Cert %
AMSR2 37GHz 0.20 deg ---%

TC Structure MPERC
Date Time Prob. ERC onset
Full Model
Prob. ERC onset
25Oct2024 2000UTC 0% 0%
Shear Analysis
Date Time Shear Magnitude
Shear Direction
25Oct2024 1800UTC 4 kts 179 deg
Deep-layer vertical wind shear interpolated to storm center derived from the CIMSS AMV-aided analyses with vortex removed
TC-Scale AMVs